AGYW Project

AGYW is a Global funded initiative implemented by GENET in partnership with World Vision International in Mulanje district. The project runs for 3 years from 1st April 2021 – March 2024. It aims to Reduce HIV Incidences amongst adolescent girls and young women aged 10-24.
Problem Statement
In Malawi more than 1 in 3 inhabitants are youth in the ages of 10-24 and approximately 3.2 million, are adolescent girls and young women. These AGYW are negatively affected by: Gender inequality, sociocultural norms, harmful cultural practices. The most vulnerable are AGYW living with HIV (ALHIV) and living with disabilities. Less than half of girls aged 15-19 understand how to correctly prevent sexual transmission of HIV. HIV incidence among AGYW in Malawi is 8 times higher than men and 1 of 5 girls is abused before the age of 18.
Key Strategies
- Capacity building of girls and young women through trainings and increased participation in outreach activities.
- Systems strengthening through community and school groups and referral systems.
- Involvement of Male Champions to address gender imbalances and GBV (we take opportunity of gender presence of males in the CBOs so that they support girls’ rights
- Social asset empowerment for AGYW s.
- Formulation/Strengthening and enforcement of By-laws in the targeted catchment areas.
- Advocacy and Coordination with existing structures and other stakeholders e.g. rapid response committees for cases of GYWs.
Changes seen in-terms of Attitudes, Behaviors & Practice
- The empowerment sessions that the peer educators were taken through has enabled them to become public speakers and advocates for their peers. They are also able to make well informed decisions about their life for instance readmitting into school and embarking into self -sponsored economic empowerment activities.
- Girls and young women have improved awareness on HIV and AIDS. Adolescent girls and young women are able to demand and access Sexual and reproductive Health services.
- Parental acceptance on Adolescent Girls and Young Women accessing services.
- Changes in community attitudes towards reporting of Gender based Violence cases. Communities are able to report Gender Based Violence cases and relevant structures are providing necessary support especially on case management
Project Details
Mulanje district, Malawi, Africa
HIV, Gender inequality, sociocultural norms, harmful cultural practices
1 April, 2021 – March, 2024
Beneficiary Description
Targeting 208,284 In school and out of school AGYWs aged 10 to 24 years as primary beneficiaries.
Since I became a peer educator, I have benefited a lot through the knowledge attained from the trainings. I am now able to make life informed decisions for my future. I chose to financially sustain myself through venturing into tailoring business.
Georgina Banda, 23-year-old, Mambulu Village, Mulanje.
Through my participation in AGYW empowerment sessions I have learnt quite a lot on the importance of savings and managed to raise K80, 000 which I invested and currently running a rice business. Cynthia Maponda, 20-year-old, chilanga village, Mulanje