We are champions of girls and young women’s rights for an equal and just community
We are a feminist and women’s organization in Malawi working with girls for girls to advance their rights, autonomy and meaningful engagement to ensure they reach their fullest potential.
GENET is a feminist, a local women-led organization working with girls and young women, their networks and communities to advance and promote their rights to autonomy, choice, empowerment and meaningful engagement. We are committed to contributing towards elimination of gender inequalities, promote economic and climate change justice for girls and women in Malawi. We amplify the voices of girls and young women, empower them to be change agents and leaders of change in their own lives and that of their families and communities. GENET connects girls and young voices and experiences to national, regional and international networks, and bring global best practices to communities through strategic partnerships in girls’ issues.

“A world where all girls are empowered, lead and thrive”


Strategic Goal
1,000,000 girls have power to exercise their rights and reach their full potential in an equitable supportive environment.
Our PArtners
Throughout the years, Our work has been made possible because of the generous support from our strategic partners. These partners include individuals, organizations, bilateral donors, corporate, philanthropist and foundations
We work closely with our partners to develop opportunities for meaningful engagement, shared learning and volunteering. Partnering with GENET is an opportunity to make a difference in the rights of girls and women in Malawi
Contact us about partnership opportunities( use direct link to contacts)
Thank you to our strategic partners