She Dreams

Here to Know About This Project
She-dreams is funded by Women Strong International. It aims to address social norms and negative gender stereotypes that are reinforced through in appropriate and gender insensitive teaching methods that further limit girls to remain and complete their education as well as pursue STEM careers. The project empowers and equips females and teachers in girl-centered interactive methods, gender sensitive approaches, and mentoring to help improve students’ academic performance and nurture a love for learning among girls, particularly in STEM subjects.
Problem statement
Social norms and gender stereotypes reinforced through inappropriate and gender insensitive teaching methods limit girls retation and completion of their education as well as pursue STEM careers.
Expected outcomes
Teachers in the targeted schools are implementing gender sensitive and girl centered teaching methods.
Male teachers and boys are now advocating for girls’ rights against gender based violence.
Girls’ academic performance has improved. e.g. Mpapa Primary School all she dreams learners have been select to secondary schools.
Girls are now able to speak out about issues affecting them. And are able to share their real life testimonies.
The project has improved self-confidence and esteem among girls through life skills and improved reporting and response in addressing cases of violence through the use of happiness and sadness boxes.
Project Details
Geographical coverage
Blantyre district, targeted 5 schools (Mpapa Primary and secondary schools, Bangwe Secondary schools, Chichiri and Manja Primary schools)
Youth Development, Gender Equality
2 Years
Beneficiary Description
The direct beneficiaries of the projects are children (both girls and boys) age 10-19 years from low socio-economic background communities. These include orphans, poor children, children survivors of violence, children living with disabilities, children living with HIV/AIDS.
through the gender insensitive teaching training, it has improved the way I deliver teaching lessons during my classes and the way I handled girls who were not active in science subjects Mr Saka - Chichiri primary school
I have seen my self-esteem growing through the sessions I have been taught, I even had the courage to talk to my mother about menstruation and I told her to open up to me to share me how she was handling herself during her days Caroline Kandeya